“I Am Not A Perfect Man, I Will Not Be A Perfect President”

That’s the ironically important take away from Obama’s 30 minute infomercial. Once we have limited the pool of possible Presidents down to smart people, what really matters is the extent to which a candidate knows what they don’t know.

I think that’s where Bush went most wrong, and where Palin would go most wrong. Indeed, to a smaller but significant degree, McCain goes most wrong here.

Obama knows what he does not know so he asks tough questions of the people advising him in these areas.

It’s the kind of approach that makes a person hesitate before stating, without caveat, that we can simply export western democracy to Middle Eastern nations, at the time and place of our choosing. It might make one consider the possibility that different parts of the world need different types of democratic models. Or perhaps, even if the western form of democracy is democracy at its best, perhaps it can only grow and prosper as part of an indigenous effort, i.e. at a time and place of the choosing of the people of that nation.

Just, an example of a thought McCain and Palin have not had, because they assume they know the answer to the question. But I digress.

The belief and understanding that one is not perfect, is incredibly important to a man or woman who would become the most powerful human being on earth.

The end of the infomercial expresses so well why I was an Obama supporter from the very beginning.

There are other great quotes from the infomercial, which I’ll post as the video becomes available.

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Filed under Decision 2008, Obama

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  1. Спасибо за сайт!)

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